There is a common quote that says

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”


This statement is in part right but relating on business it is immensely wrong. When we talk about exchanges of everyday life there is no time for fishing. In a world of a great number of interactions and experiences and there is no time for learning how to pack a candelabrum, implement a business plan growth for the next few years in a huge beverage distributor, to fix a car or even the heat of our father.

We need professionals and they need other professionals. One thing I am certain on this life is that it is too short so we use it giving it to not prepared hands (including our). So why clients shouldn’t have many options and why it is so dangerous?

Professionals do not spend time on giving many options to theirs clients. They have the most concise, creative and clear solution to each work that appears. The process of giving them choices is a huge waste of time, could symbolize your inexperience and must be totally disconsidered. Why to put forward many options to the client instead of giving them the best one? The one you has no doubt and the one that will make your brand.


I don’t believe taxi drivers that ask me which one route I prefer or a drawing artist that came along with 5 or 6 options to my new logo. I can’t even suppose you could waste your time making an option that is actually going to the trash.


When I see a companies giving many colours, sizes and prices to the client I see the moment that company just giving to the public the command of a situation even they don’t knowing how to proceed.

So please, respect the client, they already fished your company. Let them choose between Yes or No, Came or Go, Live or Let Die.

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